Saturday, December 13, 2008


As promised, here are a few pictures from the last few weeks. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Teething and More Shots

This week has been rough. Hannah's started teething, which is not exactly fun. She's clearly in pain, but when she's taken some Tylenol, she's happy. She's been drooling like crazy, trying to gum her fist and pacifier (or whatever else she can get in her mouth), had a runny nose (still), and isn't sleeping well. I also think she's going through a growth spurt at the same time because she's constantly eating, is cranky, and is acting very similarly to her growth spurt at 6 weeks. Needless to say, it's been a trying week. It's been tough because she's been off her sleeping routine since we went home for Thanksgiving. And I believe that pattern is going to continue since we'll be heading home for Christmas next weekend. Yay.

To make it even better, I have to take her back to the doctor to get her other 2 shots that she didn't get last month. I've already cried once tonight thinking about it........ I am really not looking forward to it. She was so upset last time (so was I). Hopefully it'll get easier as the process goes along. My friend Darlene is going to come with me to the doctor's office tomorrow because I don't want to go by myself again.

Sorry this post is rather depressing. I'm sad about tomorrow. Next time should be a bit more cheery...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving, Runny Noses, and Blow Outs

First of all, before you read any further, I am not including any pictures in this post because I am too lazy to get up and get them off our camera. :) Sorry. Maybe next time!

So. Thanksgiving. Well, let me begin by saying that I had a blast hanging out with Keagan and Laura for a few days. I think that was the highlight of the whole week for me. I'm not sure when the next time we'll see them will be, but hopefully it won't be too far from now. Time with family was good. It was a pretty exhausting week. It's already difficult when your baby gets a little off schedule. What made it even more difficult was what I like to call "baby passing." There were only one or two occasions where this took place, but the nights after that happened were especially rough with Ms. Hannah. I mean, it's tough..... because when you go to see family and half of them haven't seen the baby, they all want to hold her and pass her around. So, what ends up happening is that Hannah gets 2 minutes with each person, each one holding her in a different position (most positions are ones that she has come to hate, mind you). So she gets over-stimulated, and as a result, sleeping is pretty difficult when it comes time for her to go to bed/stay asleep. She had gotten the point where she was sleeping 7 or 8 hours at night, which was awesome! But while we were home, she wasn't sleeping well at all. Oh well.... I guess that's what Grandma is for. :)

Also, while we were home, Daniel, Keagan, my dad, and myself went to the batting cage! It was lots o' fun! I got a chance to get back in the cage and hit a little bit. It had probably been 6 years since I've really tried, but I did well! And I also got to pitch a little bit to my dad, which was neat (but left me very sore). I didn't do as well pitching--my wrist muscles are especially out of shape, which made it hard to pitch with the right technique. I still have all the mechanics down, it's just a matter of having toned muscles. Oh well. Aaaaand my mom got my brother and I Wii Fit, so I'm watching Daniel kick some Wii Fit butt right now. If you've never tried that game, you really should. It's very, very cool!

I had a great time hanging out with Daniel's parents and his sister's family while we were home. Ava is growing so fast! Soon she and Hannah will be able to play together--that'll be lots of fun. Ava wasn't very happy about Abigail holding Hannah, though. Guess she doesn't want her mommy having anything to do with other babies. :)

Unfortunately, Hannah woke up with nasal congestion the morning after we got back from our trip to Va Beach, and she's been somewhat congested all week. It was kinda sad, because babies are obligate nose breathers for a while (Hannah still is), so she woke up and was having trouble breathing, which was obviously upsetting for her. I couldn't do much for her, though, cuz it was dry. But, once she sneezed two or three times, and popped out some huge green boogers, she could breathe. So we've been fighting that all week long. It seems like things are clearing up, finally. I'm glad it wasn't any worse than just a little congestion.

And on the subject of blow outs... We have found that the Pampers Baby Dry diapers are the only ones that keep her from blowing poop out of her diapers. I used to really like the Pampers Swaddlers diapers, but they just aren't keeping that poop in anymore. Kinda strange. Hannah is also starting to hate wet/dirty diapers. She used to just sit in them and not care, but now, she can't stand it. Of course, that's not a bad thing--keeps diaper rash away because it helps us be more aware of when she needs her diaper changed aside from normal feeding changes.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I promise I'll have pictures for you soon. :)