I just wanted to say that Hannah bit me with her brand new razor blade teeth--twice this morning while nursing.
That is all.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Just as an update, I thought I'd let you all know that Hannah's front two bottom teeth have erupted! Things were not so good the few days leading up to it, but she's much better now that they've arrived on the scene. They feel like little razor blades in her mouth. Ouch! Hopefully she won't bite me when she's nursing :)
Other than that.... I'll be 24 in 2 weeks. Sweet.
Other than that.... I'll be 24 in 2 weeks. Sweet.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Daniel's Birthday Gift
Hello everyone, it's late so I am going to make this quick. Love you all and thank you for my birthday and gifts! You made my day very special!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
6-Month Check-Up
Well, we had our 6-month check-up visit yesterday, and Hannah's doing really well! She weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs, 5 oz (25%) and is 25 1/2" long (48%). Her head is in the 42nd percentile. So, moral of the story is that she's average height and skinny. Our doctor was SO pleased with how she's doing. He said she's hitting every developmental milestone, so she's right on time. I always thought she might be a little behind because she was born 3 weeks early, but evidently not. So, way to go Hannah!
The nurse that took her vitals was so funny--Hannah is somewhat of a social butterfly, and the nurse said, "You're gonna have to lock her up!" I would agree. Hannah especially loves other babies (and herself in the mirror). While she was laying on the little examination table, she kept trying to crinkle and eat the paper she was laying on. She does that in the nursery at church--she always tries to eat the paper on the changing table. I ended up having to tear the paper off the roll so that she wouldn't ruin anymore than she had to. She soaked and crinkled that whole roll of paper and was flailing it around in the air. Pretty hilarious. :)
She also has a new thing for Gypsy.... anytime she's close by, Hannah tries to grab her face. Not a good idea. I'm waiting for Gypsy to actually bite her... which of course I hope doesn't happen, but it won't surprise me when it does. I wonder how long it'll take Hannah to learn what "gentle" means, and how to actually pet her without ripping the fur out of her skin.
Also, I didn't know that 6-month olds could throw fits. Evidently so. There have been a few instances where Hannah gets angry and cries either when she drops a toy or I take something from her. Every time it happens, I always say something to the effect of, "Unfortunately, you were born to the wrong parents to be throwing a fit about something like that. Drop it." I know, it sounds mean, but we're not going to tolerate that--even if she is only 6 months old. Gotta teach 'em early. :)
Alrighty--have a great weekend! Stay warm and dry!
The nurse that took her vitals was so funny--Hannah is somewhat of a social butterfly, and the nurse said, "You're gonna have to lock her up!" I would agree. Hannah especially loves other babies (and herself in the mirror). While she was laying on the little examination table, she kept trying to crinkle and eat the paper she was laying on. She does that in the nursery at church--she always tries to eat the paper on the changing table. I ended up having to tear the paper off the roll so that she wouldn't ruin anymore than she had to. She soaked and crinkled that whole roll of paper and was flailing it around in the air. Pretty hilarious. :)
She also has a new thing for Gypsy.... anytime she's close by, Hannah tries to grab her face. Not a good idea. I'm waiting for Gypsy to actually bite her... which of course I hope doesn't happen, but it won't surprise me when it does. I wonder how long it'll take Hannah to learn what "gentle" means, and how to actually pet her without ripping the fur out of her skin.
Also, I didn't know that 6-month olds could throw fits. Evidently so. There have been a few instances where Hannah gets angry and cries either when she drops a toy or I take something from her. Every time it happens, I always say something to the effect of, "Unfortunately, you were born to the wrong parents to be throwing a fit about something like that. Drop it." I know, it sounds mean, but we're not going to tolerate that--even if she is only 6 months old. Gotta teach 'em early. :)
Alrighty--have a great weekend! Stay warm and dry!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Giggles and a New Home
Above is a video of Hannah giggling yesterday. We've found that she loves when you do jumping jacks. She just thinks that's the most hilarious thing in the world! So, enjoy :)
Secondly, many of you know that we bought a house! We should find out this week if we got approved for the loan--I doubt that it would be a problem, but you have to go through all those hoops to get approved these days (which is a VERY good thing). Daniel took some pictures of the model home, so I'll have him upload those at some point. We went out and bought some fabric so that I can make valances for the kitchen and living room yesterday. It's my first ever sewing project, so it should be quite interesting! I think it'll be fun, though--and hopefully not too frustrating. :)
Alrighty, well, enjoy the video!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Serious Update (sorry for the delay)
Hey guys. Sorry for taking forever to update! I can't believe that Hannah will be 6 months old on Thursday--wow!! Lots of things have been happening in the last 2 months as you can imagine, so I'll try to update you on as many of them as I can in a short amount of time. I'm tired. Imagine that. :)
Wes Wu, this one's for you. Hannah LOOOoooOOves bath time. Right when we get her into her bathroom and she sees her bright blue shower curtain, she goes nuts. I'm not sure what it is about bath time but she loves it. She also loves getting her diaper changed. Go figure. So here you go, Wes...

One afternoon, Daniel put Hannah on my shoulders, and she decided she wanted to eat my hair. It all ended up to be a slobbery mess. It was pretty funny though. :) Basically, my point is that she's getting much more coordinated with her hands. Everything goes to her mouth these days.

I've only tried reading to her a few times. Usually by the time we're putting her to bed, she is soooo tired and hungry and cranky that it's kind of a futile effort. I may try to fit it in right when she wakes up in the mornings, because she's very calm then. She has really enjoyed the books I've read to her so far--especially when they have bright and colorful pictures!

Perhaps the biggest update is that Hannah has started eating solid foods. We started around 4 1/2 months feeding her food. I tried the rice cereal, but I honestly think it was WAY too bland for her and she hated it. Once we gave her apples, she was sold on solid food. So now, she's been promoted to level 2 food, which includes apples with blueberries, peach banana brown rice, country turkey dinner with carrots, and the like. She really enjoys the sweet stuff, and the only thing she has clearly disliked so far was called chicken tomato pastini. I don't blame her. Wasn't very good. :) But anyway, she's quite the hefty eater, and I'm sure it's made her put on some serious weight. I'll find out next week how much she weighs/how long she is, so remind me and I'll update you.

Hannah in her jumperoo thingy. It's a Baby Einstein contraption that's basically an exersaucer mixed with a jumperoo. She's getting better and better in it every day... except she gets upset when she tries to pull the frog into her mouth but it doesn't budge because it's stationary...

Speaking of Baby Einstein, Hannah's getting more and more interested in Baby Einstein videos, which is fantastic. It buys me 20-30 minutes during the day.
And below is a cute picture of the lady with her daddy.

Next we have two videos. The first is of Hannah rolling over! Yay! I recorded it one morning this past week right when she woke up. The next video I took this morning of Hannah and her "boyfriend" David. David is two weeks older than she is, and his mom and I have become pretty good friends since we were both pregnant. David's a monster compared to Hannah (in size, that is). I think he's like in the 90th percentile for height and weight! Anyway, Lina and I had them in the nursery at church this morning and they were babbling at each other.
I think that's good for now. Hope you have a great evening!
Wes Wu, this one's for you. Hannah LOOOoooOOves bath time. Right when we get her into her bathroom and she sees her bright blue shower curtain, she goes nuts. I'm not sure what it is about bath time but she loves it. She also loves getting her diaper changed. Go figure. So here you go, Wes...
One afternoon, Daniel put Hannah on my shoulders, and she decided she wanted to eat my hair. It all ended up to be a slobbery mess. It was pretty funny though. :) Basically, my point is that she's getting much more coordinated with her hands. Everything goes to her mouth these days.
I've only tried reading to her a few times. Usually by the time we're putting her to bed, she is soooo tired and hungry and cranky that it's kind of a futile effort. I may try to fit it in right when she wakes up in the mornings, because she's very calm then. She has really enjoyed the books I've read to her so far--especially when they have bright and colorful pictures!
Perhaps the biggest update is that Hannah has started eating solid foods. We started around 4 1/2 months feeding her food. I tried the rice cereal, but I honestly think it was WAY too bland for her and she hated it. Once we gave her apples, she was sold on solid food. So now, she's been promoted to level 2 food, which includes apples with blueberries, peach banana brown rice, country turkey dinner with carrots, and the like. She really enjoys the sweet stuff, and the only thing she has clearly disliked so far was called chicken tomato pastini. I don't blame her. Wasn't very good. :) But anyway, she's quite the hefty eater, and I'm sure it's made her put on some serious weight. I'll find out next week how much she weighs/how long she is, so remind me and I'll update you.
Hannah in her jumperoo thingy. It's a Baby Einstein contraption that's basically an exersaucer mixed with a jumperoo. She's getting better and better in it every day... except she gets upset when she tries to pull the frog into her mouth but it doesn't budge because it's stationary...
Speaking of Baby Einstein, Hannah's getting more and more interested in Baby Einstein videos, which is fantastic. It buys me 20-30 minutes during the day.
And below is a cute picture of the lady with her daddy.
Next we have two videos. The first is of Hannah rolling over! Yay! I recorded it one morning this past week right when she woke up. The next video I took this morning of Hannah and her "boyfriend" David. David is two weeks older than she is, and his mom and I have become pretty good friends since we were both pregnant. David's a monster compared to Hannah (in size, that is). I think he's like in the 90th percentile for height and weight! Anyway, Lina and I had them in the nursery at church this morning and they were babbling at each other.
I think that's good for now. Hope you have a great evening!
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