Monday, July 27, 2009

Word # 5 - and crying it out :(

So today, I caught Hannah pointing at things and saying, "Look!" Very cute :)

As for some not-so-cuteness, I'm having to let her cry it out tonight......... breaks my heart. She's been fighting going to sleep (at night and for naps). She'll find anything to keep from going to sleep. Once she figures out that she's falling asleep, she starts scrambling for something else--tonight, her decoy was finding a book to read. Welp, we looked through the book, sang through a song a few times, and I put her in her crib, kissed her goodnight, and walked out. That was about 40 minutes ago. Still going strong.

I went in after she cried--no, wailed, really--for 20 minutes and reassured her that I was still here by kissing her on her head (she's standing up in her crib) and quickly patting her back. So, if she's not asleep in another 10 minutes, I'll go do the same. It sounds like she's getting tired, though, but who knows. Hopefully it doesn't take too many nights of this to sink in.

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