Yes, that's right, she likes to use my shoulder as a seat and hang her head and arms over the top of the chair. Go figure. I don't know why she does that.... tell you what though--she sure has a bony butt!
Today is my sister-in-law's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see her and my brother in a few weeks!! We are going to Cancun with my parents for about a week.... it'll be the last hurrah for Daniel and myself before the baby is born. Hopefully the food will be better this time than it was on our honeymoon :) Oh, and hopefully we don't get sick!
I'm doing a Beth Moore Bible study with the girls in my small group called "Jesus the One and Only." I actually am really enjoying it! It does take quite a bit of time each day, but it's been really neat so far. There were 2 really cool things this week that I realized in my study that I had never seen/thought about before. The first one is in Luke 4... for some reason, I had either never recognized the significance of this passage or had never read it. Either way, Jesus is in the temple one Sabbath doing his Sabbath service, and it was His turn to get up and read the scroll. Tradition was that someone would get up and read the scripture for the day and expound on it once they were finished reading. So Jesus gets up and reads from Isaiah 61:1-2, which is the passage basically describing the Messiah's job description. So, he finishes reading that and everyone's eyes are fixated on Him. I like to think of this as a special Holy Spirit moment. :) Then, he expounds on the passage by saying, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." Whoah! Way to go, Jesus. I just thought that was so cool.
The next thing that really struck me is this. So, we're all familiar with the idea that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted, so that's nothing new. But did you know that the scriptures say that when Jesus comes out of that season in His life and returns to Nazareth, He returns "in the power of the Holy Spirit." (Luke 4:14) Think about it.... whenever we are faced with a season of temptations or serious trials in our lives, we're oftentimes totally defeated, miserable, and deflated human beings. Obviously I know Jesus is God in the flesh, but if you read the account of the temptation, He does exactly what we should do whenever we face "trials of many kinds"--revert back to God's Word. Find that victory and strength immediately in the Word of God. When Satan tempts Jesus, Jesus immediately quotes scripture to rebuke him. And in doing so, he comes out of that time of temptation in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. Tell you what man, I want to be that kind of person who can refute temptation and the attacks of the enemy with Scripture immediately.
So here's to a.) reading and studying that Scripture so that it can be hidden in our hearts and b.) calling that Scripture to mind immediately when things cross our paths.
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