Saturday, June 14, 2008

It keeps growing, and growing, and growing...

I'm going to get Daniel to take some pictures of me today, because I swear my stomach has exploded in the last week. My doctor was exactly right... he said that between weeks 20 and 30, your body really "figures out" that it's pregnant and starts to adjust a whole lot more than before, and here we are at week 25, and voila! There's the baby belly!

Well, we leave in 3.5 days for Cancun! I am very excited! A break will be super nice, and this will be our last hurrah before Hannah comes to life in our house. We're going with my mom and dad and my brother and sister-in-law, so I'm expecting that we should have a great time. I'll have pictures I'm sure when we get back!

I'm currently playing fetch with my cat, and I wish I had a video of it I could show you. I have some video on my phone, but I don't know how to upload that. Anyway, she likes to play fetch with hair ties. Daniel figured that out by accident when she was really little, and she still loves to play! She'd play for hours if you'll play with her for that long.

Well, we decide on a youth pastor tomorrow night! YAYYYY!!!!!!!! I can't wait. :) I'll keep you guys posted on all that as well. One of our candidates lives right here in Charlottesville and he was working at a restaurant that our office administrator and I went to for lunch the other day. And we were totally talking about the whole interview process when he comes outside with some food. I think he was just as surprised to see us as we were to see him! Kind of awkward, but that's okay. :) I hope he doesn't think that we've decided already. So Wes, if you happen to be reading this, don't worry--we're having our big meeting tomorrow and you'll probably be hearing from someone on Monday.

Alrighty, well, I'm going to take a shower and then go work out before worship practice. Gotta make sure that my body's expanding with the right stuff :)

1 comment:

Matt and Amanda Bruns said...

Is Hannah the name you have decided on for your baby girl? That's a pretty name - I like it. Do you have middle name picked yet?