Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Continuous Expansion

Okay people.... I am HUGE. My belly is officially in the way. It's amazing how much you take your abdominal muscles for granted.... but mine are basically out of commission until this baby squeezes her way out of the birth canal. It's definitely strange. Getting out of bed and especially out of chairs that sit low is quite a chore these days.

Now, I'm not uncomfortable, not miserable, not any of those things. Just...... odd. :) Also, I have slight stomach acne on the top half of my stomach. I read somewhere that it might be heat rash. They're definitely not stretch marks or anything connected with that. Just some little red dots on the top of my stomach. Again, not uncomfortable or miserable... just odd.

I get up 2 or 3 times each night to go to the bathroom now. There are a few things that are really funny to me about that. The first thing is that I can barely remember doing it the next day. So I guess that's good? Means I don't wake myself up too much? The second thing is that when I wake up, I just kinda lay there for a few minutes, thinking, wondering why I'm awake... and then I think to myself, "Maybe I have to go to the bathroom. I guess I should get up and go." Because, you see, I don't really feel the urge to go when I'm laying down. But, oh baby, when I stand up..... God forbid there be any obstacles in the way between the bed and the toilet, cuz I just might not make it. It's amazing how much pressure isn't there when I'm laying down, and how it magically appears, in full force, once gravity pulls Hannah down into my pelvis.

Also, I don't really sleep with the covers on anymore. I feel bad for Daniel because he gets cold really easily, and I'm always sweating and saying things like, "Is it hot in here or what?!"... and he just looks at me and shakes his head (as he's wrapped up in a blanket). Go figure. But it's workable. I'm still able to sleep, exercise, eat, get up and down, etc., so things are going well. Can't wait to have my little bundle of beauty in my arms!!

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