Monday, April 28, 2008

Dr.'s Visit

So, like I said, here's the update from my visit to my obstetrician today:

So, when they weighed me today, I was at -1 from my starting weight. My doctor comes in and goes, "I love you!!!" Now, you have to understand that my doctor has absolutely no personality. He's kind of awkward, odd, you name it. But you just have to love him. :) So, y'all may not think it's funny that he responded that way, but I wish you could've been there to experience it with me, cuz it was hilarious!

Then, he gave me the speech he gives me every visit about how you don't have to gain a lot of weight to have a good pregnancy, so no surprise there. He told me if I didn't gain any weight at all during the entire pregnancy (which would mean that I actually lost weight), that it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing because I was a little "heavy" to begin with (thanks doc ;-). He did emphasize that I need to not change anything about what I've been eating or how much I've been exercising. Evidently between weeks 20 and 30, your body really starts to figure out that it's pregnant, and it's really easy to let yourself go as far as diet and exercise are concerned during that time. So he prepared me for that and said that if I keep up with what I've been doing, I should be fine (can you tell that weight is a big deal for him???).

Daniel and I have been planning to take a trip to Cancun with my parents and Keagan and Laura in June, so I asked the doc about that, to make sure that would be okay. And he said, "Oh, that'll be the perfect time to go!" I asked if I would need written permission or any documentation from him so that I could fly on the plane, and he said no. He said, "People will hardly know you're pregnant. They won't be sure if you're actually pregnant or just a little chubby." :) The only thing he told me I couldn't do is scuba dive, which I can't do anyway due to ear problems I've had my entire life. And, wouldn't you know, he told me to be extra careful with sunscreen because my skin will burn faster. HAH. Sorry, doc, I figured that one out already. :) Oh! And we got to listen to the heartbeat again today, which he said sounded normal. We also heard some "swoosh" sounds, which he said was the baby moving. Evidently the baby was moving quite a bit! So I wonder what that means.... But, he said everything was normal and good, so we are moving along!

Let's see..... I think that was basically it. Next visit is May 29th, the day after our ultrasound to find out if we're having a boy or girl! Yay!!! I can't wait. :) I have a room for the baby now, but nothing to put in it! Also, Daniel just told me that his parents are coming up this weekend and his mom is going to help us out with the crib, which is going to be a huge, huge, HUGE blessing (cribs ain't cheap these days). So hopefully we'll have a good time picking out baby stuff.

Okay, well I think that is the official update from the appointment today! Hope you guys have had a wonderful day!


Matt and Amanda Bruns said...

Cribs are definitely expensive! We were lucky too that our parents helped us out with the furniture for Lily's room so I was able to get what I wanted. We ended up getting a 3 in 1 crib so it can change to a toddler bed and then a headboard/footboard if we want that too. I'm all about saving us some money!

Glad to hear everything is going great for you and the baby. Ya'll will have a blast in Cancun! Enjoy the last few months of just you and Daniel before life changes!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new townhouse and new crib! :) I'm so happy to be able to follow up on your exciting life these must be nice to have your awesome job and husband and now a baby! enjoy your trip to cancun too!


Sarah DiCarlo