Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yay blogs!!!

Okay so.... I have a lot of friends who are single or married and the concept of kids is SUPER far away. So, I figured I would give you all something to give you an idea of what it's like to be pregnant or to prepare for children. And I also know people who just want to keep up with how things are going. So, here's the perfect opportunity! :)

Let's see. Here's a basic overview of my pregnancy so far:

Currently, I'm 15 weeks pregnant, so the baby is about the length of a teaspoon. Cool! I had to go shopping for prego pants a little over a week ago. My pants all still fit, but the waistline was getting uncomfortable around my stomach, so I figured I should go ahead and buy some pants/shorts/capris so I'd be prepared when I really need them. I've felt the baby move a few times, which has been very neat! They movements are rather faint, but definitely there. As far as weight gain goes... I have a net weight gain of -2 pounds. My doctor has instructed me to not gain more than 2 pounds this month, so hopefully that shouldn't be too difficult. I have a bit of a belly... it looks more like I ate too much for dinner than the fact that I'm pregnant, but I do have one. :)

As far as my first trimester, I never really had any morning sickness (praise the Lord). I felt nauseous sometimes, especially in the mornings, but never threw up because of it. Now, a few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to contract some sort of stomach flu, which reeaaallly sucked. I had both vomiting and diarrhea... eww. So I guess I was bound to puke sometime during the pregnancy. The worst part about it was that I felt sick when I ate, but then I would feel sick when I didn't eat... so... I didn't really have many options there. Oh well--we're back to normal now. :)

Today I came down with my first migraine. It was very strange.... my left peripheral vision got blurry and kinda flashy... then once that went away, the right side of my head was killing me. I'd never had a migraine before, so it was really scary. I called my OB doctor, and he told me that it's common for pregnant women to experience migraines, even when they've never had a headache in their life. Learn something new every day. I laid down on the couch and passed out for a little while, and the migraine went away slowly. Hopefully I won't get too many of those throughout the next few month

Daniel and I have had the great experience if listening to the baby's heartbeat! We got to hear it for the first time at our 10 wk. appointment, even though the doctor didn't think we were going to be able to hear it yet. It was funny because up until that point, being pregnant was still theoretical for me. I can't even describe what it's like to have the doctor put a doppler on your stomach, turn it on, and heart this little heartbeat coming from your belly. At my last appointment (14 weeks), I got to listen to the heartbeat again. We will find out at 22 weeks whether we're having a boy or girl!

Okeydokey, well, I'll post some more later when I have more to say. :) 'Til next time...

1 comment:

Ed said...

congratulations on the soon-to-be addition!