Passion was AWESOME! Man, I am so glad I finally got the chance to go. And... let me just say... Chris Tomlin is the best worship leader I have ever seen--and I don't say that lightly at all. In fact, I was a little skeptical when we went, simply because of his mainstream popularity. But there's a reason for that mainstream popularity and it's because he is such an effective and sensitive leader. He's one of those people it's easy to worship with. And you know how there are some worship leaders who feel like they have to say something during every song or explain what we're singing all the time? Chris did that once, and the story he did share was so effective. But every other time, no words were needed. I don't really know how else to explain it. So, I hope I can be that effective one day--obviously not on my own accord, but my prayer is that God would use me that effectively in worship and that I would never be a distraction for others. Only an avenue through which God can sing, speak, display His beauty, and touch hearts and lives like only He can.
I was also very impressed with how much Passion was NOT a production. I mean, it had to be somewhat because there were 10,000 people there. But the way the lights were done, the video, the lyrics on the screen, the conduct of those leading worship, and the way the speakers spoke to us all testified to the fact that Passion is for the glory of God... that its vision is to raise up a generation of students eager to make Jesus famous in this world, instead of raising up a generation of self-serving students who ignore the needs and cries of the world around them. I can't tell you how impressed I was. Daniel and I both were just blown away. And the cool thing is that probably every time Louie Giglio got up to say something, he was always emphasizing the vision of Passion and the heart of Passion. So I don't think anyone left that place in the dark about what Passion is about. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
Here's a picture of what the arena looked like... get ready for a taste of heaven :)

Let's see. In pregnancy news... I feel the baby a bit more regularly now, which is neat, and I am definitely starting to show. I guess I should take a picture, shouldn't I? Didn't I promise that a while ago? I can feel the top of the uterus right at my belly button now, so pretty soon there ain't gonna be anymore room for that to rise up, and it's going to have to start going out. Hah. Basically, when I'll full term, I'm going to look like I have a watermelon on its side under my skin. My doctor didn't put it to me that way, but I got the point. And current weight, as of either Tuesday or Thursday, I can't remember, is still in the negatives... -3 lbs. I go back to the doctor next Monday (the 28th), so then I can let you all know what the doc says about my progress and how I'm doing. Okay--off to worship practice. GET OUTSIDE TODAY!!!!!!!! :)
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