Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hannah's Progress

We went to the doctor yesterday to have Hannah weighed, just to make sure she was gaining weight--she hadn't gained any weight since our hospital discharge at her one-week appointment. Well, in the last week, she gained 8 ounces, which is awesome!!! Our doctor told us that they like the babies to gain at a minimum an averageof 20 grams a day, and her average was 32 grams. Way to go, girl. Now, the consequence for that is that she eats ALL THE TIME. Last night, she ate every hour and 45 minutes. So mom didn't get much sleep last night, to say the least. Oh well.

In other news, my mom is visiting for a few days. She got here yesterday, and it's been great so far. She'll be here especially to help me out the first few days that Daniel goes back to work (starting Monday), so that should be huge.

Also, I'm not sure when I'll be able to post pictures for a little while. We somehow managed to break our CF card reader, so we can't get pics off the camera for now. Boo.

'Til next time!

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