Hannah with her eyes open!
Here we are at home, being parents! Our first few days have really been enjoyable. Sure, sleeping is a little more difficult than before (Hannah is most alert around 4am), but it's been very cool. I'm recovering well, Daniel's doing an amazing job as a dad and with helping me out with making sure that I rest and am not overwhelmed, and Gypsy seems to be enjoying her new sister. We also have some amazing friends who've brought/cooked some amazing food for us--thank you guys!!!!!!!
As far as breastfeeding goes, my milk has come in, no doubt about it! Hannah has been eating well and peeing/pooping a lot, which is good! Because she was so small when she was born, there isn't much room for error as far as her weight is concerned, so I'm really glad that she's eating so well. Before my milk came in, we had to supplement with formula to make sure she didn't lose too much weight. But now that the milk is here, it's all systems go! Also, because she is so small, she has a hard time with proper latch, so we're using a silicone nipple shield that goes over the nipple to help her latch on there and eat well. Within a few weeks, we should have her off of the shield. I've also been pumping with a hospital grade pump to make sure that the milk is coming in well--it makes them feel much better afterwards. :) Engorgement hurts!
Hannah is a sweet, sweet baby. I can't tell much about her personality, but I can tell you that she's only upset when she's hungry and has a dirty diaper--or is about to have a dirty diaper. We can always tell when she's about to poop/pass gas... she gets squirmy and sometimes will whine, like her tummy hurts. We're going to start giving her Mylicon when we feed her for now... I think the nipple shield may contribute to gas. She also doesn't like to be by herself. At night, we're having to keep her in bed with us for now because she won't sleep alone in the pack n play. Daniel and I alternate who gets to sleep/who gets to stay up with her if she's alert. If she's ready to sleep at night, she sleeps in the crook of Daniel's arm. Very cute. :)
Here's a video of her with the hiccups. I think it's cute. Enjoy!
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